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Hydrochloric Acid

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Hydrochloric acid is the aqueous solution of hydrogen chloride gas and the main component of gastric acid, an acid produced naturally in the human stomach to help digest food. Hydrochloric acid is synthetically produced for a variety of industrial and commercial applications


Hydrochloric acid has a wide range of uses in various industries and applications. Some of its common uses include:

Industrial Cleaning: Hydrochloric acid is used for cleaning and etching metals, as well as for removing scale and rust from steel.

Water Treatment: It is used in water treatment processes to adjust the pH levels and to remove impurities from water.

Chemical Manufacturing: Hydrochloric acid is used in the production of various chemicals, including fertilizers, dyes, and pharmaceuticals.

Food Industry: It is used for food processing, such as in the production of corn syrup and gelatin.

Leather Processing: Hydrochloric acid is used in leather processing for pickling and tanning.

Regeneration of Ion Exchangers: It is used to regenerate ion exchangers in water treatment processes.

pH Control: Hydrochloric acid is used to adjust the pH levels in various industrial processes.